3. Avoid Outrageous Diets

Extraordinary diets that confine calories to low levels can cause changes, for example, male pattern baldness, unhealthy skin and hair, fractiousness, despondency, loss of feminine cycle and fruitlessness and in outrageous cases heart disappointment and even death.
In your high school years your body is likewise as yet developing and growing, so by following exceptionally extraordinary diets, there is a danger of not developing and creating as you ought to and furthermore of not expending the supplements required for things like bone arrangement which may expand danger of osteoporosis sometime down the road.
4. Enhance Your Eating and Exercise Propensities

It is basic to consider these negative results and consider in the event that they are extremely justified, despite all the trouble for the loss of a couple of pounds more. On the off chance that you are miserable with your weight, as opposed to concentrating on a particular objective weight, endeavor to enhance your eating and exercise propensities strongly, you will soon find that you feel and look better and frequently shed pounds en route.
Numerous youngsters who begin extremely prohibitive, strict diets discover them difficult to keep up for long and generally wind up putting on back all the weight they lost and afterward some in their mid-twenties. By creating healthy propensities you will probably have control over your weight and health in the long haul and are less inclined to heap on the pounds once you get somewhat more seasoned and your digestion backs off.
It is likewise vital to recall that as a young person you frequently experience a ‘puppy fat’ stage where you put on a little weight because of the changing hormones in your body. Most young people become out of this stage, so regardless of whether you believe you have picked up a couple of pounds, keep up a healthy exercise and diet and more than likely this stage will pass.